I am no longer using these posters. If you are interested in a tool to help math teachers make sense of the depth of knowledge in mathematics, please check out this post with a reproducible handout for educators.

I am no longer using these posters. If you are interested in a tool to help math teachers make sense of the depth of knowledge in mathematics, please check out this post with a reproducible handout for educators.
Why are the verbs on them? Depth of Knowledge is NOT defined by verbs. Putting verbs on the poster does nothing to help understand Depth of Knowledge.
Hi John. I think we agree on your point as I said, “In particular, I love the bullet point lists that explain each of the levels as I believe that focusing on the verbs can lead to confusion.”
I saw that, but the charts are still misleading. The problem is that the context you provided in your blog, while correct, will be lost as they charts get disseminated out on the Web. I think any chart that correlates DOK to verbs is damaging to PD.
Thanks for clarifying that. Have you found any other posters you would recommend over these?
If it hadn’t been for the verbs, I would have no problem with the DOK posters in your article.
We have our own that show DOK in terms of cognitive processes, which is the main distinction between DOK and Bloom’s Taxonomy. While I think they capture DOK far better than the other DOK posters I have seen, they do require explanation. You can see them at http://tinyurl.com/kto59c9. Free bitmap and vector versions are available here: http://tinyurl.com/qabx4o7
Thank you for sharing these and for pushing the conversation. I appreciate you helping me reflect further on this issue.
You have a beautiful blog page. Home-built?
Thanks. I actually bought this online at http://themeforest.net/. Really good deals there.
John, I have come to agree that you were always right from the beginning. I have decided to take the posters down.