Here’s my growing collection of recorded online webinars available for math teachers as well as ed consultants and professional development providers for you to watch for free, right now. They cover a variety of topics and in some cases have grade level specific versions. Thanks for checking them out and sharing them with your colleagues.

Presentation For All Teachers

5 Struggles Your Foster Students Wished You Knew
Foster youth have struggles that are hard to empathize with when you haven’t had similar experiences.
I spent 3.5 years living in a group home and share perspectives that will hopefully allow you to better empathize with your students. We specifically focus on five struggles: intersectionality, behavior, relationships with adults, relationships with peers, and academics.


Webinars For Math Teachers

Why We Should Reconsider Using Worksheets (And What We Should Be Doing Instead)
Have you ever seen worksheets with dozens of the same kinds of problems or perhaps riddles at the bottom? I used similar worksheets with my students for years. What I wonder now, with more perspective, is whether they were the best option for students. For example, if a student correctly solved the first four or five problems, what extra benefit did she get from solving twenty more similar problems? What extra information did I get about what she knew? I believe that we should reconsider using worksheets like these and I have an alternative that I think is much better. In fact, I think it’s the single biggest bang-for-buck change teachers can make in their classroom and I want to tell you all about it.


Why We Should Reconsider Using Word Problems (And What We Should Be Doing Instead)
How do we give students the authentic mathematics experiences they need to navigate the modern world? Most word problems don’t really mirror real life. Instead, students use a scenario where everything works out just perfectly and leaves them ill-prepared for a world that doesn’t work that way. I’ll make the issues with word problems clearer and share how we can teach students through authentic problem solving where they build skills they can use do deal with the complexities ahead.


How To Help Students Become Problem Solvers, Not Math Robots
Students may seem to understand what we teach them until we later get a clearer picture of what they know. This is frustrating because it seems like our resources and strategies don’t meet our needs. So, come learn how to implement problems that will show you clearly what kids know, help them become problem solvers, and have them begging for more.


Three Engaging Methods To Uncover And Fix Hidden Student Misconceptions
You probably know how frustrating it is when our students appear to understand our lessons, only to find out later that they had many misconceptions. Imagine instead that we had three strategies we could quickly incorporate to reliably spot and fix these issues. What’s better is that students love doing them and they work even if students don’t realize they have misunderstandings.


Rethinking How We Teach Mathematics
I created a three-part video series to address the frustrations mathematics educators are experiencing these days. In the first video, I go deep into what exactly is causing the problems we’re encountering including lots of evidence to convince people who are skeptical. It’s great to share if you and your colleagues are not on the same page. In the second video, I share specific examples of what we can do to address these concerns. In the third video, I share additional strategies you can use to get buy in from people who are reluctant to move forward.


Webinars For Ed Consultants And Professional Development Providers

Why Email Is More Powerful Than Social Media For Promoting Your Work & Generating Income
This webinar is for educational consultants who want to grow their audience and have results like boosting their webinar/conference attendance, increasing their book and product sales, having more successful affiliate marketing, and more successfully promoting both online and in person workshops.

The webinar addresses these five points:

  1. Why do I need an email list?
  2. Why would people join my email list?
  3. How does the technology work? (including how much it costs)
  4. How do I get them to buy from me?
  5. How do I continue to grow?

If you’ve been wanting to get your email going but needed something to get you started, then you’ll want to watch this webinar.


Three Things Your Educational Consultant Website Should Include (And One You Should Avoid)
This webinar is for educational consultants who want their current or future website to be both welcoming and drive sales.

We dive deep into:

  • What should be our website’s goal?
  • What three things should we include on our website?
  • What one thing should we avoid?
  • What can we learn from other websites?
  • How do I continue to grow?
  • What can Google Analytics tell us?

If you wish your website was driving more business, then you’ll want to watch this webinar.


Six Counterintuitive Lessons Learned About Online Workshops
This webinar is for people who provide professional development to teachers. Here are six lessons I’ve learned from doing online workshops since 2017:

  1. Should an online workshop be more like a novel or cookbook?
  2. Should an online workshop be more like Netflix or traditional TV?
  3. Should online workshops focus more on breadth or depth?
  4. Do participants get more attention online or in person?
  5. How much content should be included in an online workshop?
  6. How do we collect more meaningful data about professional development?

If you’re curious about the answers to these question, you’re going to want to check out this webinar.


Five Steps To Create Captivating Keynote Presentations
If you want your presentations to wow your audience, especially if you present at conferences where you hope to gain future clients, then check out this webinar where I share all the steps I take to create my presentations including:

  • How to prepare before you even start on the presentation
  • How to choose a topic
  • How to work on the outline
  • How to turn the outline into a presentation
  • How to practice your presentation
  • How to get paid to present


How To Increase Your Daily Rate So You Can Thrive, Not Just Survive
The most common question I’m asked about educational consulting is “How much should I charge?”. Nothing else comes close. So, I made a video series where I share perspective to help you understand why we feel so bad charging what we’re worth, data from 85 educational consultants about how much they’re currently charging and what they want to ideally charge, and five strategies you can use to increase your daily rate.


What Should Educational Consultants Know About Contracts?
Contracts can feel overwhelming, but they’re essential for protecting your time, money, and work as an educational consultant. In this three-part video series, you’ll learn why contracts matter, what key elements to include, and how to avoid common mistakes. The final video features contract attorney Sandy Shepard, who shares expert advice on protecting your business.